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One Day We'll Find It, the Sourdough Connection... The Podcast is BACK and other stories.

Writer's picture: Ellie Royce Ellie Royce

What’s on YOUR mind?

Zoe ( the Zoe Collins of and I always have lots on ours. After “The Great Technical Meltdown of 2021” where I lost all my files for the podcast and then because of various other occurrences the pod had to go into suspended animation for a bit.

What are these occurrences Ellie? You may ask.

Well, since you asked...

My new picturebook with Andrew McLean , published by Ford Street Publishing was released-

as was the delicious human my daughter ( and son- in law!) made. I love this photo - it expresses the bemusement he so often seems to find in this strange world he finds himself in (and really, who can argue with that?)

Auntie Uncle Drag Queen Hero won the Rubery International Book Award Children's and YA Category, which I have to say, thrilled and terrified me at the same time!

And then, we had to say goodbye to my darling mate of 15 years, our dog Yogi. I'm still dealing with it, so I can't put a photo here- maybe later . I can never be grateful enough for his presence in our lives.

But while I attempted to ride the waves of Life, my little podcast project stayed in my thoughts and finally -


I’m almost

er… back where I started?

Anyhoo - we’re here!

Me and Zoe are kicking off the new iteration of “We Are All Made of Stories” sharing stories about intuition, vaccination, ( *note- I say the F word* earlyish on just so you know , but I said it so fast I couldn’t edit it out, apologies to anyone who finds it offensive) stories about resistance, creativity, business, narrative therapy and SOURDOUGH!

Anyone who has ever visited either of my insta accounts will know of my love, bordering on the weird ( look, people talk to their plants, and it's alive, so I talk to my starter, okay? Well actually, I talk to everything...) for sourdough.

In fact- we’re embarking on an experiment to air dry some of my my sourdough starter and send it to Zoe ! (Tune in next time to see how I go.)

Are you missing a chat with mates down the corner caf? Over the front gate ? Then maybe you’ll enjoy hanging out with us for a bit.

I’d love you to leave a comment, a review or whatnot on the podcast, but I’d REALLY love you to head over to the Podcast Instagram account @madeofstorieswithellieroyce and say hi, comment on the episode and tell me what’s on your mind- any thoughts on what you want to hear about ?

Last but definitely not least, shout out to Gemma Patience for mentioning the pod online and telling us she enjoyed it ( unfortunately this happened just before the aforementioned Great Technical Meltdown so I didn’t get to thank her then.)

Stay safe everyone,

I can’t tell you how to live your life, but I can share a story with you - and maybe it’s just the one you need.

Talk to you soon!

Ellie xx

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